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Passionate about production people

EIF Inivtes applications for grants for projects benefitting the events sector.

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As part of its remit to manage the publication of the Purple Guide, EIF Limited has a commitment to use any excess funds to support projects which have a wide benefit for the events industry.

Following a review of available funds, EIF has allocated £8,000 this Autumn for providing grants to support industry  projects.   Grants will awarded on the merit of projects and the benefits they offer the industry.   Grants will generally be between £2-3,000 each although the Directors may vary this sum if they feel a project merits more support.

Applications for grants should be submitted in writing to EIF Limited and should include:

  • The title of the project and a short description of it
  • Details of the amount of funding being sought and specifically how it would be used
  • Details of the overall project budget
  • Details of where any additional funding needed will come from
  • An explanation of how this project will benefit the events industry
  • Timescales for delivery
  • Contact details for further information

Initial submissions should be kept to one A4 sheet and should be sent to Jim Winship at jim@tesa.org.uk by no later than Monday 2nd December 2015

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