21st August saw the Prime Minister announce the latest group of Apprenticeship Standards published, including the standard for Live Event Technician developed by a group of employers with support from the PSA.
The new approach to apprenticeship development, Apprenticeship Standards leave employers to decide the behaviours, skills and knowledge required for an apprentice to become a fully-fledged employee. Our sector’s employers have designed a standard that leads from warehouse to front of house, with a focus on all-important hands on training.
Having received approval for the standard, the group is now embarking on the next development phase, to write an assessment plan to ensure standardised, quality assessment for all apprentices.
Our employer group has been led by PRG along with Neg Earth, Nitelites, XL Video, Adlib Solutions, Britannia Row Productions, LS Live, Hawthorn Theatrical, Fineline Lighting, Skan PA, Entec Sound and Light, HSL Group and Wigwam Acoustics, with backroom support from the PSA.
Skills Minister Nick Boles said:
'Businesses are better placed than anyone to train the next generation of workers and will help us deliver 3 million high-quality apprenticeships by 2020. By designing apprenticeships, organisations like PSA are ensuring that young, talented people develop the skills needed to progress up the career ladder and help drive businesses forward.”
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